

Ingenieurbüro Rolf Wellendorf
Spreeallee 13
D - 24111 Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein)

Phone: +49 431 690987

Mobil phone: +49 171 7414637

Owner and Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Wellendorf
Legal form: freelancer

Member of the Chamber of Architects and Engineers of
the Federal State of Schleswig Holstein (No. 873)

Tax number: 20 181 60417
Sales tax identification number: 135264148

Legal information:

Links to other websites are offered to the visitor as an additional service. These websites are completely independent and can not be controlled by Ingenieurbüro Rolf Wellendorf.
Ingenieurbüro Rolf Wellendorf is not liable for the contents of other websites to which you might get access via this website. Moreover, they do not bear any responsibility for the contents, data protection legislation or the use of such websites.